Fulfilling Stories - Secure (Bilingual)
Series: Fulfilling Stories
At first glance this parable may not seem to be about security, but it sort of is. In book 2, chapter 4 (page 33) Kalas makes this statement: “In truth, everything about Jesus’ life and teaching is a recommendation for downward mobility.” In this time of economic crisis, how can embracing downward mobility be a recipe for security? Because it is ultimately God’s way—victory through the cross, the greatest becoming a servant, the first will be last. One who realizes this is given one of life’s greatest freedoms—the freedom from having something to prove. While Jesus’ gives good social advice for banquets, he also gives a hint toward where deeper security may come from and ultimately what matters in life. God chooses the “lowly” and “despised” things so that no one may boast before him. (1 Cor 1:28-29) (God first, bro.) J
Lupina Villalpando Stewart
Senior Pastor
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